
Full Military Honors are what you would see when a Military Funeral is conducted at Arlington Cemetery. At Arlington the deceased remains are loaded on a Horse  Drawn Caison. The next element in the procession is the Honor Platoon followed by a Color Guard, the Band,  and the rest of the funeral party follows . The procession travels through the cemetery to the place on Internment. In the civilian world those elements are replaced by a Hearse and family motorcade. When the procession arrives at the place of Internment the Guernsey County Veterans Council Honor Guard is already in place. As the motorcade approaces the command is given to "Present Arms" in Honor of the deceased Veteran. The motorcade comes to a halt and the Honor Guard is given the command to "Order Arms". When the remains are moved from the hearse to the grave the Honor Guard salutes the Veteran with  a second "Present Arms". The religious portion of the sevice begins the Internment and after the Pastor or Priest has completed his portion a salute is given to the Honor Guard Commander who begins the MIlitary portion of the service. The Honor Guard is called to attention and the Firing Party is given the firing sequence commands. A three round rifle volley is fired followed by the playing of "Taps".  A two person team is in place at the casket to fold and present the Flag to the next of kin. The Guernsey County Veterans Council is in partnership with the Department of Defence who provides representatives from the deceased Branch of Service to fold and present. 


Full Military Honors