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Important Dates in Military History
(From the USO Calendar)


  November 6 (Election Day)

    November 10, 1775 (U.S Marine Corps Established)

     November 11,1918 (WWI Ends)

       November 11 (Veterans Day)

         November 13,  1982 (Vietnam Veterans Memorial Dedicated)



  December 7, 1941 (Japanese Bomb Pearl Harbor)

    December 11, 1941 (Hitler and Mussolini declare war on the U.S.)

       December 13, 2003 (Saddam Hussein captured by U.S. troops)

          December 28, 2014 (Operation Enduring Freedom ends and Operation Freedom's Sentinal begins in Afghanistan)    












Council Commander Inducted into Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame


 James Lee Gibson, 69, of Guernsey County served in the U.S. Navy during Vietnam. Upon his discharge from active duty in 1971, Jim began a 31-year civilian career with General Telephone and Electronics (GTE). Following his retirement in 2002, Jim accelerated his community activities and volunteerism. During his 16-year membership with the Guernsey County Veterans Council, he served as Commander for 13 years, has assisted with 1500 funerals and participates in parades and special events such as Guernsey County Military Homecoming Celebration, Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Jim is involved in the Cambridge City School District as a mentor and leader. As an accomplished musician, Jim offers free music lessons to students and assists the band director. He re-established the proper posting and retirement of the Colors at high school football games and founded the Cambridge High School Alumni Jazz Band. Jim also served on the Board of Education from 2010 to 2017. As a leader in the Cambridge Kiwanis for 17 years, he founded the “Veterans in Schools” program to help students learn about the contributions of our nation’s veterans, he instituted a volunteer mentor program for at risk students and participated in 200 other service projects. He performs with the Muskingum Valley Symphonic Winds and is a past member of the Zanesville Memorial and Cambridge City bands. Jim is a volunteer at Cardinal Place Assisted Living where he conducts a worship service twice a month and has organized programs for 9/11, Veterans Day, Memorial Day and 4th of July. As a member of Christ United Methodist Church, Jim is a Sunday school teacher, youth praise team leader, board of trustees’ member and a trumpet player with the praise team.


 induction ceremony link

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